This example is minimal and only uses a vertex shader and a fragment shader to get started with OpenGL.
For an example using tesselation and geometry shaders as well, see my short introduction to OpenGL .
Note that it is important to add code for retrieving error messages (as I have done below) in order to be able to do development of the shaders.
As in my old example, the code draws a coloured triangle on the screen.
// Minimal OpenGL example using GLFW and GLEW
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
// Vertex shader source code:
// This shader takes in vertex positions and texture coordinates,
// passing them to the fragment shader.
const char * vertexSource = "#version 130 \n \
in mediump vec3 point; \n \
in mediump vec2 texcoord; \n \
out mediump vec2 UV; \n \
void main() \n \
{ \n \
gl_Position = vec4(point, 1); \n \
UV = texcoord; \n \
}" ;
// Fragment shader source code:
// This shader samples the color from a texture based on UV coordinates.
const char * fragmentSource = "#version 130 \n \
in mediump vec2 UV; \n \
out mediump vec3 fragColor; \n \
uniform sampler2D tex; \n \
void main() \n \
{ \n \
fragColor = texture(tex, UV).rgb; \n \
}" ;
GLuint vao ; // Vertex Array Object
GLuint vbo ; // Vertex Buffer Object
GLuint idx ; // Index Buffer Object
GLuint tex ; // Texture
GLuint program ; // Shader program
int width = 320 ; // Width of window in pixels
int height = 240 ; // Height of window in pixels
// Function to handle shader compile errors
void handleCompileError ( const char * step , GLuint shader )
GLint result = GL_FALSE ;
glGetShaderiv ( shader , GL_COMPILE_STATUS , & result );
if ( result == GL_FALSE ) {
char buffer [ 1024 ];
glGetShaderInfoLog ( shader , 1024 , NULL , buffer );
if ( buffer [ 0 ])
fprintf ( stderr , "%s: %s \n " , step , buffer );
// Function to handle shader program link errors
void handleLinkError ( const char * step , GLuint program )
GLint result = GL_FALSE ;
glGetProgramiv ( program , GL_LINK_STATUS , & result );
if ( result == GL_FALSE ) {
char buffer [ 1024 ];
glGetProgramInfoLog ( program , 1024 , NULL , buffer );
if ( buffer [ 0 ])
fprintf ( stderr , "%s: %s \n " , step , buffer );
// Vertex data:
// Each vertex has a position (x, y, z) and a texture coordinate (u, v)
GLfloat vertices [] = {
0 . 5 f , 0 . 5 f , 0 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , // Top right
- 0 . 5 f , 0 . 5 f , 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , // Top left
- 0 . 5 f , - 0 . 5 f , 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f // Bottom left
// Indices for drawing the triangle
unsigned int indices [] = { 0 , 1 , 2 };
// Texture BGR data for a 2x2 texture
float pixels [] = {
0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f ,
1 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f , 1 . 0 f
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
// Initialize GLFW library.
glfwInit ();
// Create a window.
GLFWwindow * window = glfwCreateWindow ( width , height , "minimal OpenGL example" , NULL , NULL );
// Set current OpenGL context to window.
glfwMakeContextCurrent ( window );
// Initialize GLEW library.
glewInit ();
glViewport ( 0 , 0 , width , height );
// Compile and check vertex shader.
GLuint vertexShader = glCreateShader ( GL_VERTEX_SHADER );
glShaderSource ( vertexShader , 1 , & vertexSource , NULL );
glCompileShader ( vertexShader );
handleCompileError ( "Vertex shader" , vertexShader );
// Compile and check fragment shader.
GLuint fragmentShader = glCreateShader ( GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER );
glShaderSource ( fragmentShader , 1 , & fragmentSource , NULL );
glCompileShader ( fragmentShader );
handleCompileError ( "Fragment shader" , fragmentShader );
// Link and check shader program.
program = glCreateProgram ();
glAttachShader ( program , vertexShader );
glAttachShader ( program , fragmentShader );
glLinkProgram ( program );
handleLinkError ( "Shader program" , program );
// Create a vertex array object which serves as context for the
// vertex buffer object and the index buffer object.
glGenVertexArrays ( 1 , & vao );
glBindVertexArray ( vao );
// Initialize vertex buffer object with the vertex data.
glGenBuffers ( 1 , & vbo );
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , vbo );
glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , sizeof ( vertices ), vertices , GL_STATIC_DRAW );
// Initialize the index buffer object with the index data.
glGenBuffers ( 1 , & idx );
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , idx );
glBufferData ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , sizeof ( indices ), indices , GL_STATIC_DRAW );
// Set up layout of vertex buffer object.
glVertexAttribPointer ( glGetAttribLocation ( program , "point" ), 3 , GL_FLOAT ,
GL_FALSE , 5 * sizeof ( float ), ( void * ) 0 );
glVertexAttribPointer ( glGetAttribLocation ( program , "texcoord" ), 2 , GL_FLOAT ,
GL_FALSE , 5 * sizeof ( float ), ( void * )( 3 * sizeof ( float )));
// Enable depth testing using depth buffer.
glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
// Switch to the shader program.
glUseProgram ( program );
// Enable the two variables of the vertex buffer layout.
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( glGetAttribLocation ( program , "point" ));
glEnableVertexAttribArray ( glGetAttribLocation ( program , "texcoord" ));
// Initialize texture.
glGenTextures ( 1 , & tex );
// Bind texture to first slot.
glActiveTexture ( GL_TEXTURE0 );
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , tex );
// Set uniform texture in shader object to first texture.
glUniform1i ( glGetUniformLocation ( program , "tex" ), 0 );
// Load pixel data into texture.
glTexImage2D ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 , GL_RGB , 2 , 2 , 0 , GL_BGR , GL_FLOAT , pixels );
// Set texture wrapping mode and interpolation modes.
// Initialize multiresolution layers.
glGenerateMipmap ( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
// Loop until the user closes the window.
while ( ! glfwWindowShouldClose ( window )) {
// Clear color buffer and depth buffer.
glClearColor ( 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f , 0 . 0 f );
// Switch to the shader program.
glUseProgram ( program );
// Draw triangle(s).
glDrawElements ( GL_TRIANGLES , 3 , GL_UNSIGNED_INT , ( void * ) 0 );
// Swap front and back buffers.
glfwSwapBuffers ( window );
// Poll for and process events.
glfwPollEvents ();
// Disable the two shader variables.
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( glGetAttribLocation ( program , "point" ));
glDisableVertexAttribArray ( glGetAttribLocation ( program , "texcoord" ));
// Unbind and delete the texture.
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , 0 );
glDeleteTextures ( 1 , & tex );
// Unbind and delete the index buffer object.
glBindBuffer ( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 );
glDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & idx );
// Unbind and delete the vertex buffer object.
glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER , 0 );
glDeleteBuffers ( 1 , & vbo );
// Unbind and delete the vertex array object.
glBindVertexArray ( 0 );
glDeleteVertexArrays ( 1 , & vao );
// Unlink and delete the shader program.
glDetachShader ( program , vertexShader );
glDetachShader ( program , fragmentShader );
glDeleteProgram ( program );
glDeleteShader ( vertexShader );
glDeleteShader ( fragmentShader );
// Set OpenGL context to NULL.
glfwMakeContextCurrent ( NULL );
// Destroy window.
glfwDestroyWindow ( window );
// Terminate GLFW.
glfwTerminate ();
return 0 ;
The example uses the widely supported OpenGL version 3.1 (which has the version tag 130).
You can download, compile, and run the example as follows:
Any feedback, comments, and suggestions are welcome.