Orbiter 2016
06 Oct 2017Orbiter 2016 is a space simulator for PC which works even on graphics cards which are considered low-end these days. The simulator can be used to simulate launch, ascent, orbiting, space station dockings, flight to different moons and planets, atmospheric reentry, vertical landings, and landings on a runway. Click on the picture below for more screenshots:
Together the downloads are about 3GByte:
- Install Orbiter 2016
- From dansteph.com:
- install Orbiter sound (OrbiterSound40_20121120_setup.exe)
- Delta Glider IV (DeltaGliderIV-3_2010_20140109.exe)
- vc_redist.x86.exe
- Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer
- ModuleMessagingExt v1.1
- HUDDrawerSDK v0.4
- BaseSyncMFD v3.1
- GlideSlope v2.6
- TransX 2016.04.04
- AeroBrakeMFD
- MicroTextures
- From Altera Aerospace:
- XR5 Vanguard
- DeltaGlider-XR1
- XR2 Ravenstar
- d3d9client
- enable DirectSound, DirectX9, TransX, …
- launch server instead of main program (DirectX)
If you have a lot of disk space, you can install high-resolution textures.
Here is a video I made showing SCRAM ascent and ISS docking
I also made a set of videos showing a simulated flight to the Moon and back.
If you have time for some space training, I can recommend to check it out. Enjoy!
Orbiter source code is now MIT licensed free software!
See github.com/orbitersim/orbiter
See also: